Thursday, August 16, 2012



Puv`cyi †Rjv RvZxq hye msnwZ †bZvi
Ae¨vnwZcÎ cÖZ¨vnvi c~e©K ¯^-c‡` envj

          XvKv ïµevi, 17 AvMó 2012 t RvZxq cvwU©i †Pqvig¨vb mv‡eK ivóªcwZ û‡mBb gyn¤§` Gikv‡`i f¨vbMvW© RvZxq hye msnwZ †K›`ªxq KwgwUi mfvcwZ wjqvKZ †nv‡mb †LvKv I mvaviY m¤úv`K Avwgbyj Bmjvg S›Uz AvR GK Av‡`‡k msMV‡Yi †K›`ªxq wbe©vnx KwgwUi m`m¨ I Puv`cyi †Rjvi mfvcwZ kIKZ AvL›` AvjgMxi Ges Puv`cyi †Rjvi mvaviY m¤úv`K iwdKzj Bmjvg Luvb-Gi Ae¨vnwZcÎ cÖZ¨vnvi c~e©K ¯^-c‡` envj K‡i‡Qb| msMV‡bi cÖwZ D‡j­wLZ ‡bZ…e„‡›`i AvbyMZ¨, mZZv, Avš—wiKZv, wbôv I †bZ…‡Z¡i ¸bvejx we‡ePbv K‡i RvZxq hye msnwZ †K›`ªxq KwgwUi wm×vš— †gvZv‡eK MVbZ‡š¿i 19bs Aby‡”Q`-Gi cÖ`Ë¡ ¶gZve‡j †K›`ªxq ‡bZ…e„›` G Av‡`k cÖ`vb K‡ib|

G Av‡`k BwZg‡a¨ Kvh©Ki Kiv n‡q‡Q|

evZ©v †cÖiK,

(gvneyeyi ingvb Kvgvj)                
`dZi m¤úv`K
RvZxq hye msnwZ, †K›`ªxq KwgwU|


  G miKviB †kl miKvi bq
   ------- RvZxq cvwU©i †bZ…e„›`

            XvKv ïµevi, 17 AvMó 2012 t RvZxq cvwU© ivRavbxi kvn& Avjx _vbvi D‡`¨v‡M GK BdZvi gvnwdj I Av‡jvPbv mfv AvR we‡K‡j ¯’vbxq RvZxq cvwU©i Kvh©vj‡q AbywôZ nq| RvZxq cvwU© †K›`ªxq KwgwUi mvsMVwYK m¤úv`K †gv¯—vKzi ingvb †gv¯—v‡Ki  mfvcwZ‡Z¡ AbywôZ D³ BdZvi gvnwdj I Av‡jvPbv e³e¨ iv‡Lb, Rvcv m¤úv`K gÛjxi m`m¨ Rvnv½xi Avjg cvVvb, Rvcv †K›`ªxq m`m¨ mvB`yi ingvb mvnxb, †¯^”Qv‡meK †bZv †gvt dvi“K Avn‡¤§`, hye msnwZ †bZv bvwmi DwÏb nvIjv`vi bvwQg, QvÎ mgv‡Ri †K›`ªxq †bZv gwbi“¾vgvb bqb cÖg~L|

          mfvcwZi e³‡e¨ †gv¯—vKzi ingvb †gv¯—vK eZ©gvb AvIqvgx jxM miKv‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ e‡jb, g‡b ivL‡eb- G miKviB †kl miKvi bq, Gi ciI AviI miKvi Avm‡e| ¶gZvmxb miKv‡ii n‡q cweÎ gRvb gv‡mI QvÎjxM, hyejxM, †¯^”Qv‡meK jxM mviv †`‡k †hfv‡e Puv`vevRx, †UÛvievRx I `LjevRxi ivRZ¡ Kv‡qg K‡i Avm‡Q- G Rb¨ fwel¨‡Z AvIqvgx jxM‡K RbM‡Yi Kv‡Q wnmve w`‡Z n‡e| wZwb e‡jb, RvZxq cvwU© eZ©gvb miKv‡ii AcKg© I e¨_©Zvi Øvqfvi KL‡bv MÖnY Ki‡e bv|

evZ©v †cÖiK,

(myjZvb gvngy`)
cÖPvi m¤úv`K
RvZxq cvwU©, †K›`ªxq KwgwU| 


RvZxq kªwgK cvwU©i D‡`¨v‡M
Av‡jvPbv mfv I BdZvi gvnwdj AbywôZ

          XvKv ïµevi, 17 AvMó 2012 t RvZxq kªwgK cvwU© †K›`ªxq KwgwUi D‡`¨v‡M MZKvj e„n¯úwZevi we‡Kj 5Uvq ivRavbxi ¸jkvb¯’ _vB wK‡Pb cvwU© †m›Uv‡i GK Av‡jvPbv mfv I BdZvi gvnwdj AbywôZ nq| mv‡eK Gg.wc RvZxq kªwgK cvwU©i mfvcwZ Av‡bvqviv †eM‡gi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ Abyôv‡b cÖavb AwZw_ Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb, RvZxq cvwU©i †cÖwmwWqvg m`m¨ I mv‡eK cÖavbgš¿x KvRx Rvdi Avng`| we‡kl AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb, MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii evwYR¨ gš¿x I Rvcv †cÖwmwWqvg m`m¨ †Mvjvg †gvnv¤§` Kv‡`i Ggwc, †cÖwmwWqvg m`m¨ †Mvjvg nvwee `yjvj, weª. †Rbv‡ij (Ae.) KvRx gvngy` nvmvb, dwKi Avkivd, ‡Mvjvg gwkn, ˆmq` Avey †nv‡mb evejv, AvwZKzi ingvb AvwZK, Rvcv †Pqvig¨v‡bi †cÖm GÛ cwjwUK¨vj †m‡µUvix mybxj ïfivq, fvBm-‡Pqvig¨vb †kwidv Kv‡`i, kªwgK cvwU©i fvicÖvß mvaviY m¤úv`K kvn Avjg ZvjyK`vi, Rvcvv †K›`ªxq †bZv Avey mvC` ¯^cb, jxj wgqv wbjy, KvRx gvgybyi ikx`, kªwgK cvwU©i mn-mfcwZ nvwimyj nK wkï wgqv, kªwgK †bZv †gvt BDbyQ g„av, iwdKzj Bmjvg ivRb, †gvt gwbi †nv‡mb, AvjgMxi †nv‡mb, †gvt Beªvnxg, †gvt kvnxb Luvb, mvB`yj Bmjvg wg›Uz, myRv‡qZ †nv‡mb myRv cÖg~L †bZ…e„›`| BdZvi gvnwd‡j mv‡eK ivóªcwZ cj­xeÜz Gikv` I †`‡ki kvwš— Ges Kj¨vY Kvgbvq we‡kl †gvbvRvZ Kiv nq|

‡gvt ZvRyj Bmjvg †PŠayix
                   (mv‡eK gš¿x)
`dZ‡ii `vwqZ¡cÖvß
‡cÖwmwWqvg m`m¨, RvZxq cvwU©, †K›`ªxq KwgwU| 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


evZ©v m¤úv`K/evZ©v cÖavb/ Pxd wi‡cvU©vi
Muktidooth Media[Mashik Muktidooth]
RvZxq ˆ`wbK I B‡jKUªwbK wgwWqv/msev` ms¯’v|

welqt RvZxq †kvK w`em Dcj‡ÿ AvMvgxKv‡ji Av‡jvPbv mfv I cyi®‹vi weZib Abyôvb Kvfv‡iR cÖm‡½|

          h_vh_ m¤§vb cÖ`k©b c~e©K wb‡e`b GB †h, 15 AvMó RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi 37Zg kvn`vZ evwl©Kx I RvZxq †kvK w`emÕ12 Dcj‡ÿ cigvby weÁvbx W. Gg G Iqv‡R` wgqvi nv‡Z Mov wcÖq msMVb †kL iv‡mj wkï msm` AvMvgxKvj 16 AvMó mKvj 10Uvq ‡m¸b evwMPv¯’ XvKv wi‡cvU©vm© BDwbwU wfAvBwc wgjbvqZ‡b Av‡jvPbv mfv I wkï wPÎ wkíx‡`i gv‡S cyi¯‹vi weZib Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb K‡i‡Q|

          Abyôv‡b cÖavb AwZw_ _vK‡eb MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii AvBb wePvi I msm` welqK gvbbxq cÖwZgš¿x Rbve GW‡fv‡KU †gvt Kvgiæj Bmjvg Ggwc| Abyôv‡b cÖavb Av‡jvPK _vK‡eb evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i G¨vUwY© †Rbv‡ij Rbve GW‡fv‡KU gvney‡e Avjg| msMV‡bi mfvcwZ cigvby weÁvbx Aa¨vcK W. myjZvbv kwdi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ Abyôv‡b we‡kl AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z _vK‡eb ‡c‡Uªv evsjvi †Pqvig¨vb I XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq wkÿK mwgwZi mv‡eK mvavib m¤úv`K f~Z˦we` Aa¨vcK W. †gvnv¤§` †nv‡mb gbmyi, msMV‡bi mn-mfvcwZ ˆmq` †gvkvid †nv‡mb I evsjv‡`k K…lK jx‡Mi mn-mfvcwZ Gg.G.Kwig|

          w`emwU Dcj‡ÿ msMVbwU AvR mKvj 9Uvq 32 bs avbgwÛ e½eÜz ¯§„wZ Rv`yN‡ii ewniv½‡b we‡kl ‡kvK msKjb cÖKvk K‡i| msKj‡bi †gvoK D‡¤§vPb K‡ib msMV‡bi mfvcwZ Aa¨vcK W. myjZvb kwd| GQvovI mKvj 9.10 wgwb‡U msMV‡bi cÿ †_‡K RvwZi Rb‡Ki cÖwZK…wZ‡Z kÖ×vÄwj Ávcb Kiv nq Ges mKvj 10Uvq ebvbx Kei¯’v‡b knx` wkky †kL iv‡m‡ji we‡`nx AvZ¥vi gvM‡divZ Kvgbv K‡i we‡kl †`vqv I Õ75-Gi 15 AvM‡÷i knx`‡`i mgvax‡Z kÖ×vÄwj Ávcb Kiv nq|

          AZGe, AvMvgxKvj mKvj 10Uvq AbywôZ Av‡jvPbv mfv I cyi¯‹vi weZiY AbyôvbwUi Kvfv‡i‡Ri cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Y Avcbvi gwR© Kvgbv KiwQ|

avbgwÛ e½eÜz Rv`yN‡ii ewniv½‡b †kL iv‡mj wkï msm` KZ…©K we‡kl †kvK msKj‡bi †gvoK D‡b¥vPb Ki‡Qb msMV‡bi mfvcwZ wewkó cigvbyweÁvbx W. myjZvbv kwd|
‡kL iv‡mj wkï msm‡`i cÿ †_‡K Aa¨vcK W. †nv‡mb gbmyi Gi ‡bZ…‡Z¡ ebvbx Kei ¯’v‡b knx‡`i mgvwa‡Z kÖ×vÄwj Ávc‡bi ci 15B AvM‡ói knx`‡`i we‡`nx AvZœvi gvM‡divZ Kvgbv K‡i gybvRvZ Kiv nq| 


‡cÖm weÁwß
evZv© m¤úv`K
Muktidooth Media[Mashik Muktidooth]
Peelkhana, Dhaka.01936353370

e½gvZv †kL dwRjvZz‡bœQv gywRe cwil` KZ©„K  Ò15 AvM÷ †kvK w`e‡m kª×vÄwj Ó

A`¨ 15 AvM÷ 2012 mKvj 7.00 NwUKvq RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz Ges e½gvZv †kL dwRjvZz‡bœQv gywRe mn 37 Zg kvnv`vr evwl©Kx Dcj‡¶ avbgwÛ 32 b¤^‡i RvwZi wcZv e½eÜy †kL gywRei ingv‡bi cÖwZK…wZ‡Z e½gvZv †kL dwRjvZz‡bœQv gywRe cwil` Gi  c‡¶ cwil‡`i mfvcwZ Aa¨vcK W. Avãyj gvbœvb †PŠayix Ges mvaviY m¤úv`K Ave`ym mvjvg g„avi †bZ…‡Z¡ dzj w`‡q kª×v wb‡e`b K‡ib Rbve †gvt wmwÏKzi ingvb g„av, G¨vW. iweDj Bmjvg wisKz, Avãyi iwng nvIjv`vi (wicb), †gvt gwbi †nv‡mb, Avãyi mvËvi ZvjyK`vi, Rbve BDmyd, G¨vW. Bqvw`qv Rvgvb, G¨vW. BmgvBj †nv‡mb mn Ab¨vb¨ †bZ…e„›`| †bZ…e„›` GKB mv‡_ gvbeZvwe‡ivax I hy×vcivax‡`i wePvi Kvh© Awej‡¤^ †kl Kivi `vex Rvbvb|       

  evZv© †cÖiK

Ave`ym mvjvg g„av
mvaviY m¤úv`K
e½gvZv ‡kL dwRjvZz‡bœQv gywRe cwil`


evsjv‡`k AvIqvgx gyw³‡hv×v cÖRb¥ jxM
23, e½eÜz GwfwbD, XvKv|

m~Ît                                                                                 ZvwiLt 15-08-2012 Bs

‡cÖm weÁwß

A`¨ 15 AvM÷ eyaevi mKvj 11 NwUKvq XvKv wi‡cvUv©m© BDwbwU‡Z Ò15 AvM÷ RvZxq †kvK w`emÓ Dcj‡¶ evsjv‡`k AvIqvgx gyw³‡hv×v cÖRb¥, jxM XvKv gnvbMi kvLv I e½eÜz mvs¯‹…wZK †RvU, XvKv wefvM GK Av‡jvPbv mfvi Av‡qvRb K‡i| Abyôv‡b mfvcwZZ¡ K‡ib evsjv‡`k wkï wK‡kvi dvD‡Ûk‡bi mfvcwZ I evsjv‡`k AvIqvgx gyw³‡hv×v cÖRb¥ jx‡Mi gnvbMi mfvcwZ †gvt AvwZKzi ingvb †LvKb| G‡Z cÖavb AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb †bŠ-cwienb gš¿x kvRvnvb Lvb Gg.wc| Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb K…lKjx‡Mi Gg.G Kwig, e½eÜ mvs¯‹…wZK †RvU Gi Ai“b miKvi ivbv, evsjv‡`k AvIqvgx gyw³‡hv×v cÖRb¥jx‡Mi mfvcwZ d‡qR Dj­vn, mvaviY m¤úv`K †ivKb DwÏb cvVvb, wRnv`yj Bmjvg wRnv`, Rqš— AvPvh©, exi cÖZxK nvi“b Ai iwk` mn Ab¨vb¨ †bZ…e„›`| cÖavb AwZw_ Zvi e³„Zvq e‡jb- AvR Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi GKwU Kj¼gq w`b| GB w`‡b 1971 mv‡ji NvZK `vjvj I hy×vcivaxiv wKQy msL¨K Drk„•Lj †mbvevwnbxi gva¨‡g RvwZi RbK †K nZ¨v K‡i| GB w`‡b we‡ivax`jxq †bÎx Zvi Rb¥w`em cvjb K‡i RvwZi m‡½ Zvgvkv K‡i| 1971 m‡b hviv wcZv gvZv nvwi‡q‡Q, awl©Z n‡q‡Qb Zv‡`i Kv‡Q hw` hy×vcivax‡`i wePvi bv nq Zv n‡j RvwZ wK Reve w`‡e? 1971, 1975, 2004 Gi 21 AvM÷ Gi nZ¨vKvix I myweav ‡fvwM GKB m~‡Î Mv_v| GB e‡j wZwb Zvi e³e¨ †kl K‡ib| mfvcwZ ‡gvt AvwZKzi ingvb †LvKb mevB‡K ab¨ev` Ávcb K‡i Abyôvb †kl K‡ib|

evZv© †cÖiK

(Ai“b miKvi ivbv)
mvaviY m¤úv`K
e½eÜz mvs¯‹…wZK †RvU

'Threaten to stop helping Dhaka over Yunus'

Dhaka, Aug 15 (—A former American Ambassador has demanded that the US, along with European governments, threaten to stop helping Bangladesh for 'haunting' Nobel laureates Grameen Bank and Muhammad Yunus. 

"The US and European governments will have to threaten to cut off bilateral assistance programs and other aid through multilateral institutions like the World Bank," William B Milam, who was posted in Dhaka two decades ago, wrote in an Op-ed post in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. 

"By this time, Prime Minister Hasina is not inclined to listen to other governments and back off her determined course," he added. 

Titled 'Dhaka Forecloses the Grameen Brand' the article says under the headline, "Bangladesh's government is taking over the pioneering microfinance bank, just as its founder feared." 

Milam, a senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, said at the start of the piece: "For the past 18 months in Bangladesh, the specter of a government takeover has haunted Grameen Bank and its founder, Nobel Prize winner Muhammed Yunus." 

"Yunus was imagining the threat, but this month the Awami League government of Sheikh Hasina finally showed its hand," he wrote. 

"Her cabinet decided to push the microfinance lender's elected board of trustees aside and give power to the government-appointed chairman to name a selection committee that will soon find a new managing director," he added. 

The former US envoy to Bangladesh said in the article that the latest move of the government was 'a new turn in a campaign to vilify Mr. Yunus." 

"Then it (the government) ginned up a controversy that micro lenders were "loan sharks," when the opposite is true: These banks give poor borrowers an alternative to usurious moneylenders," he argued. 

Milam said the Cabinet's Aug 2 decision to investigate Yunus continuing beyond retirement age in the office of the Managing Director of Grameen Bank 'impugned Yunus's honesty'. 

The Cabinet decided to alter the way the Bank appoints Managing Director and asked the revenue board for a report on whether he brought in any money from abroad as a wage earner and if so, if he was allowed to do so and whether he got any tax waiver on the amount. 

"In 2006, both the Bank and Yunus were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for, as the Nobel committee put it, "their efforts to create economic and social development from below," Milam said. 

He also said their effort 'to help the poor' undermined the 'culture of dependency' on the government 'that ties the poor to Bangladesh's political parties'. 

He said he has known Yunus since the early 1990s and talked with him in May 2001. 

"He had been under attack by the Awami League government for some time," he said. 

Yunus tried to form a political party in 2007, angering the political parties in Bangladesh, especially Hasina's Awami League. But his bid was foiled apparently due to his 'controversial' ties with the US. 

Milam said the politicians of Bangladesh 'wrongly' believed that he is a 'long-term threat to their interests' and said the 'personal animosity' between Hasina and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia 'has made progress impossible'. 

He expressed fear that 'corrupt government officials can loot the bank's substantial assets at will now'. "They can also tap its customer base of women borrowers and turn them into a serious vote bank by promises of loan reductions or write-offs.: 

He said he had foreboded the Grameen Bank's 'future' after returning to Washington from Bangladesh in 2011. 

"The South and Central Asian Bureau of the US State Department, however, did not share my concerns when I met with its officials…Now, more than a year later with news of the cabinet's decision, I am told they are "working on it."," he said. 

Yunus had been removed from the bank last year following an order of the Bangladesh Bank for being over-aged to be Grameen Bank MD. 

Before his removal, Hasina had observed that 'none can escape after sucking the blood of the poor'. 

Her remarks followed a TV documentary aired in Norway. The documentary showed how Yunus channelled funds given for the poor shareholder-borrowers of the bank to one of its sister concern's which looks after the wellbeing of the officials of Grameen family, not the shareholder-borrowers. 

Recently, people in Bangladesh responded positively to a call by Hasina to build the Padma bridge with the nation's own money after the World Bank had cancelled fund for the bridge alleging corruption in the project to build it. 

There have been chatters that the global lender took the decision to cancel the fund following Yunus' 'campaign against funding it'.


Iran is now accepting foreign assistance for victims of the twin quakes that hit East Azerbaijan province Saturday, Aug. 11. Photo by: Globovisión / CC BY-NC
After declining foreign assistance offered by several countries, Iran has now decided to accept international aid for victims of Saturday’s twin earthquakes, but with a caveat: Aid offers must first pass through the government for vetting.

The latest situation report from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says U.N. agencies have already prepared a list detailing the forms of assistance they can provide to Iran. This list will be sent to the central office of Iran’s National Disaster Management Organization, which will then “review offers and accept them on the basis of needs.”

Before the quakes shook East Azerbaijan province, humanitarian aid to Iran has mostly been for Afghan refugees living in the country, at least according to 2012 data from U.N. OCHA.

Nearly 70 percent of official development assistance to the upper-middle income country in 2010, meanwhile, has largely been directed to education, according to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developmentdata.

Because of Iran’s efforts to advance its nuclear program, the United Nations passed a resolution calling on member states and international financial institutions to not provide monetary assistance to Iran, except for humanitarian and development purposes. Several Western donors, including the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, imposed bilateral sanctions as well.

The Islamic Development Bank is currently accepting bids to design, supply and install a new wastewater treatment plant, and to construct a transmission main feeding into the plant.

The World Bank, on the other hand, has not had a Country Assistance Strategy for Iran for the past few years. Its last Interim Assistance Strategy ended in 2005. The bank only has one remaining project in the country — the Alborz Integrated Land and Water Management Project — but this is expected to end in October 2012.

Russia, Japan, Switzerland and Turkey were among the countries that have offered assistance to Iran in the relief operations, Daily News Egypt reports. The United States, meanwhile, clarified Tuesday that humanitarian aid is exempt from U.S. sanctions to Iran, “as long as the donations are not being sent to the Government of Iran or any Iranian individual or entity on the Treasury Department’s List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons.”

The twin quakes have left 306 people dead and more than 2,600 people injured. It has also affected some 155,000 people, according to the latest figures U.N. OCHA released Tuesday (Aug. 14). On Monday, Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi was quoted as saying: “In the current context, we are ready to receive foreign assistance.”

Find projects & tenders in Iran. Read more development aid news online, and subscribe to The Development Newswire to receive top international development headlines from the world’s leading donors, news sources and opinion leaders — emailed to you FREE every business day.
Tags: Iran, humanitarian aid, earthquake, UNOCHA, United Nations, donors, Russia, United States, sanctions, OECD

Courtesy:The Development Newswire 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


‡gavex wkÿv_x©‡`i msea©bv Abyôvb
Ávb wfwËK RvwZ MV‡b †gavex QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i f~wgKv AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©
................... evwbR¨ gš¿x †Mvjvg †gvnv¤§` Kv‡`i Gg.wc.

†cÖm weÁwß

evwbR¨ gš¿x †Mvjvg †gvnv¤§` Kv‡`i Gg.wc. e‡j‡Qb, Ávb wfwËK RvwZ MV‡b †gavex QvÎ QvÎx‡`i f~wgKv AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| AvMvgx‡Z †`k MV‡Y †gavex‡`i GwM‡q Avm‡Z n‡e|  †ZvgivB n”Q †mB ‡`k MV‡bi †gavex K…wZ wkÿv_x©|
AvR 14 AvMó g½jevi mKvj 11.30 Uvq evsjv‡`k †gav weKvk †mvmvBwUi D‡`¨v‡M RvZxq †cÖm K¬v‡e Av‡qvwRZ GBP.Gm.wm. I Avjxg cixÿvq wRwcG-5 cÖvß †gavex wkÿv_x©‡`i msea©bv Abyôv‡b wZwb cÖavb AwZw_i e³‡e¨ G K_v e‡jb| †gav weKk †mvmvBwUi Dc‡`óv, wewkó mgvR‡meK exi gyw³‡hv×v †gvt †Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv MvRx Gi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ AbywôZ nq| D³ Abyôv‡b we‡kl AwZw_i e³e¨ iv‡Lb wbjdvgvix-2 Gi gvbbxq msm` m`m¨ Rvdi BKevj wmwÏKx, cvU I e¯¿ gš¿Yvj‡qi wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe gvneyeyi ingvb †LvKb, evsjv‡`k wmwU I †cŠi Kg©Pvix †dWv‡ik‡bi gnvmwPe Gm.Gg. †gvkviid †nv‡mb wgjb, Gw·g e¨vsK wjt Gi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK W. †gvnv¤§` nvq`vi Avjx wgqv,  evsjv‡`k †gav weKvk †mvmvBwUi †Pqvig¨vb Gm.Gg. Av‡bvqvi †nv‡mb Acy, wWjv· †UªWvm© wjt Gi g¨v‡bRvi (gv‡K©wUs) jvqb wbRvg DwÏb f~uBqv, mvqgv cÖcvwU©R wjt Gi †Pqvig¨vb Avãyj AvwRR I †gmvm© mvBdzj GÛ eªv`vm© Gi ¯^Ë¡vwaKvix jvqb †gvnv¤§` †nv‡mb cÖgyL|

Advocate Munir Hossain
Secretary - General


                                                                                                         ZvwiLt 14/08/2012

†cÖm weÁwß
Muktidooth Media[Mashik Muktidooth]
Peelkhana, Dhaka
evZ©v m¤úv`K/wPd wi‡cvU©vi



†iwR‡÷ªkb wenxb wmg I wig weµ‡q Rwigvbv Kivq Rb¨ Awfb›`b
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evZ©v †cÖiK-
†gvt gvnveyeyj nK
Awdm †m‡µUvix|


Editor/News Editor
Muktidooth Media[Mashik Muktidooth]
Peelkhana 1 No gate, Dhaka.

welqt  †`k MV‡b †gavex‡`i f~wgKv kxl©K Av‡jvPbv mfv I msea©bv Abyôv‡b GKRb mvsevw`K I K¨v‡giv µz cvVv‡bv cÖm‡½|

Avmmvjvgy AvjvBKzg| evsjv‡`k †gav weKvk †mvmvBwUi D‡`¨v‡M AvMvgx 14 AvMó 2012 ‡ivR g½jevi 25†k igRvb mKvj 11.30 wgwb‡U RvZxq †cÖmK¬v‡ei Kbdv‡iÝ jvD‡Ä Ò†`k MV‡b †gavex‡`i f~wgKvÓ kxl©K Av‡jvPbv mfv I wewfbœ wkÿv cÖwZôv‡b Mixe †gavex wkÿv_x© hviv GBP.Gm.wm. I Avwjg cixÿvq wR.wc.G. 5 I †Mv‡ìb G cøvm AR©b K‡i‡Q Zvu‡`i msea©bv cÖ`vb Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡q‡Q| Abyôv‡b cÖavb AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z _vKvi m`q m¤§wZ Ávcb K‡i‡Qb MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii evwbR¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi gvbbxq gš¿x wR.Gg. Kv‡`i Ggwc|

AZGe, mwebq Av‡e`b Avgv‡`i D³ AbyôvbwU cÖPv‡ii Rb¨ Avcbvi ¯^bvgab¨ cwÎKv I wUwf P¨v‡b‡j cÖPv‡ii Rb¨ Avcbvi cÖwZôv‡bi GKRb mvsevw`K I K¨v‡giv µz †cÖiY Kivi Rb¨ we‡lkfv‡e Aby‡iva KiwQ|

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Bangladesh Medha Bikash Society

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mvsevw`K dinv` Lvu ¯§„wZ dvD‡Ûkb
cÖavb Kvh©vjq : evwo-5 †jb-2 evwMPv, cvov WMvBi, †Kvbvcvov, †Wgiv, XvKv-1362|

m~Î t                                                                                ZvwiL t14/08/2012

†cÖm weÁwß

mvsevw`K dinv` Luv `¤úwZ nZ¨vKvix‡`i `„óvš— gyjKwePvi n‡e

mvsevw`K dinv` Luv nZ¨vKvix‡`i `„óvš— gyjKwePvi n‡e| `ª“Z wePvi Av`vj‡Z gvgjvi mv¶¨ MÖnb Pj‡Q, AwP‡iB Av`vjZ ivq cÖ`vb Ki‡eb| KviY `ª“Z wePvi Av`vj‡Z gvgjv wb`„©ó mg‡qi g‡a¨B Av`vjZ ivq †Nvlbv K‡i _v‡Kb| MZ iweevi weKv‡j RvZxq †cÖmK¬v‡ei Kbdv‡iÝ jvD‡Ä cÖavb AwZw_i e³‡e¨ evwYR¨ gš¿x wR Gg Kv‡`i G K_v e‡jb| mvsevw`K dinv` Luv ¯§„wZ dvD‡Ûkb Av‡qvwRZ GB Av‡jvPbv mfvq mfvcwZZ¡ K‡ib Kwe †ejvj †PŠayix I Dc¯’vcbv K‡ib msMV‡bi AvnevqK iv‡R›`ª P›`ª †`e g›Uz| mvsevw`K dinv` Luvi 63 Zg Rb¥w`b  Dcj‡¶¨ Av‡qvwRZ GB Av‡jvPbv mfvq AviI e³e¨ iv‡Lb nvmvb UMi, Kvgi“Ïxb nxiv, Agi nvIjv`vi eveyjz, Avjg †nv‡mb, AvwZKzj Bmjvg, ˆmq` gbRyi ‡gv‡k©`, cÖ‡dmvi jwZdv AvK›`, Kwe gwnDÏxb AvKei, †eMg mvgQyi Rvnvb b~i, gvbm~i ‡gvRv‡¤§j, Kwe wjwj nK, Av‡bvqvi †nv‡mb, mvsevw`K dinv` Luv `¤úwZ nZ¨v gvgjvi ev`x dinv` LuvÕi †QvU fvB mvgv` Luv I Abyôv‡bi we‡kl AwZw_ RvZxq †cÖmK¬v‡ei mfvcwZ Kvgvj DÏxb meyR cÖgyL| 

(iv‡R›`ª P›`ª †`e g›Uz)

Garment Workers Demand on Pay Before Eid.3gp

Garment Workers Demand on Pay Before Eid.3gp

 ১৩ই আগস্ট ২০১২, “স্বাধিন বাংলা গার্মেন্টস শ্রমিক কর্মচারি ফেডারেশন”, “টেক্সটাইল গার্মেন্টস ওয়ার্কার্স ফেডারেশনঢাকা জেলা ট্যাক্সিক্যাব, সিএনজি মিশুক শ্রমিক ঐক্য পরিষদএর যৌথ উদ্যোগেঈদের আগে গার্মেন্টস শ্রমিকদের বেতন-ভাতা ঈদ বোনাস প্রদানের দাবীতে পল্লবী কমিউনিটি সেন্টার হলে এক আলোচনা সভা ইফতার পার্টি অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। উক্ত অনুষ্ঠানে সন্মানিত অতিথি ছিলেন মাননীয় শ্রম প্রতিমন্ত্রী বেগম মুন্নুজান সুফিয়ান এমপি, স্বরাষ্ট্র প্রতিমন্ত্রী এ্যাড. সামসুল হক টুকু এমপি, জনাব ইস্রাফিল আলম এমপি, জনাব আলহাজ্ব ইলিয়াস উদ্দিন মোল্লা এমপি। আরও বক্তব্য রাখেন শ্রমিক নেতা আবুল হোসাইন, শ্রমিক নেতা শামিমা নাসরিন, শ্রমিক নেতা লাভলি ইয়াসমিন, বদরুদ্দোজা নিজাম, মো: তৌহিদুর রহমান, সাখাওয়াত হোসেন দুলাল, নাজমা বেগম, তপন সাহা, আসিয়া খাতুন নীলু প্রমুখ। সভা পরিচালনা করেন আবুল কালাম আজাদ রতন এবং সভাপতিত্ব করেন সহিদুল ইসলাম।  
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