Monday, October 24, 2011

It’s Time to WRAP for the End of Violence Against Women! By APYNCampaigns

Why violence against women? Why men?
Most guys don’t commit violence against women. Indeed, most agree that physical or sexual assault is completely unacceptable. Yet at least one in three of the women in our lives will be a victim of gender-based violence in their lifetime. This could be our sisters, our mothers, our partners, or our daughters. It could be our classmates, colleagues, co-workers, or our friends.
Violence against women and girls in all its forms – including beatings, abuse, sexual assault or unwanted touching, rape, sexual harassment, genital mutilation, murder, financial or social control and manipulation – is the most widespread, yet hidden, human rights abuse of our time.
Violence against women is not just a women’s issue. Now more and more men and boys throughout the Asia Pacific are recognising the positive and crucial role that they too can play in ending violence against women. Because men very often look to other men as their role models, we need to stand up and speak out against violence and gender inequality. This includes challenging widespread violence-supporting attitudes that allow, and indeed encourage, a minority of men to be violent. When other men make jokes or degrading comments about women, these promote a culture of sexism and inequality which makes violence and violence-supporting attitudes towards women seem normal. Instead, by vocally challenging sexism and violence, we can show others that being a man shouldn’t mean better treatment than the female half of the population. Being a man shouldn’t mean sex on demand. Being a man shouldn’t mean bursting into fits of jealous rage when our partner socialises with other men, or wants to spend time with their family and friends.
Being a man should mean, not only that we won’t COMMIT violence against women, but also that we will not EXCUSE or REMAIN SILENT about violence against women.

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