Thursday, September 29, 2011

Social Trade Can Reconstruct Haiti

Dr. Mohammed Yunus

Social trade can be strengthening arms to reconstruct economy for earth quake effected Haiti, said Nobel prize winner Dr. Mohammed Yunus of Bangladesh. It can have an exclusive role to reform economy and social infrastructure in Haiti, said Dr. Yunus. In the participation on September 20, 2011 in an events ‘Clinton Global Initiatives’ he expressed detailed discussion. Dr. Mohammed Yunus is the member of ‘Presidential Economic Advisory Council of Haiti. Former President of US Mr. Bill Clinton and former President of Columbia Mr. Eoribae also member of this organization. Dr. Yunus also participated September 20, 2011 in the events on MDG Advocacy Group, New York. In the workshop Chaired Paul Kaggamae, President of Ruwanda, and he also Co-Chair Person of this group managed by Secretary General HE Ban ki Moon. Some action plan taken in that group meeting. Social trade initiatives also included in the action plans. A MOU agreement is signed up in a different events in ‘Inter American Development Bank’ , understanding with the President Alberto Murennoae for development of Haiti. For development of Haiti such venture projects signed on. Already a social trade fund is prepared for Haiti. Entrepreneurs who wish to trade can get facilities from this fund. Dr. Yunus also participated in complete events ‘Engaging Boys and Man Edge Alize’ for long term change’. Without these Dr. Yunus met complementary with former President Peter Estaenvae of Bulgaria. Mr. Peter expressed his positive interest on such social trading. He invited Dr. Mohammed Yunus to visit Bulgaria concerning development of social trading in his country.

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